Piggyback off Donnie AND D....... with my thoughts blended in.....

mrs. neenaj
on 11/19/09 5:32 am
On November 19, 2009 at 11:56 AM Pacific Time, Cookie Luscious wrote:
One thing for sho and two for certain....

I'm glad as hell that I'm not in the dating game.

I get tired reading all of this stuff.  Whew!  I can't remember going through this.

God bless the single folks.

I was thinking that earlier this morning when I was reading lists. Shoot, I was naive and got married 20 yrs ago and have been off of the market for 23 yrs. It hasn't been a bed of roses but it hasn't been a bed of thorns either. We still make each other laugh, hold hands, love each other, come together for the good of our family and (you know).
on 11/19/09 4:09 am
why is a statement in the affirmative for one thing assumed to be a definition of having something lacking or required to be quanified for the other side.  I.E - EVERY time the subject of Good/Bad men come up - there's ALWAYS the need to counterpoint with 'What about Good/Bad WOMEN'........ why is that???   just curious as to why some feel that's always necessary/appropriate or needed? 

Deflection basically.  (Stop reading me and take a look at this).

                                                              Honeymoon Challenge! 

on 11/19/09 4:36 am
WHEW!  Okay!!!!! 

Convo be like;
'i love blue skies'

'Water is blue too'

  ummm - yea.  Thanks for the obvioius.... if ihad wanted to talk abou****er - I would have.... seen it, felt it, live it - I know it's there!!!  Now BACK to the sky!!!!!!

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/19/09 4:59 am
Exactly, stick to the micky ficky subject or just lurke, like I do lol.

                                                              Honeymoon Challenge! 

on 11/19/09 4:24 am - Mesa, AZ
Yeah, I'm not sure where the issues are either.  For me, lists work (but hey, I'm a control freak)!  At least they do as a starting point, but not so much for the one I'm looking for, but for the one I am becoming.  I said from jump, I care more about what I am coming to the table with than what I will find when I get there.  Like attracts like, so better to have my collective shyot together before venturing forth.  I still stand firm on the premise that two broken people together still don't make a whole person.  Be whole all by yourself first.  Then...do you. 

* You can't ask for what you do not have or are not ready to give.*

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

The One
on 11/19/09 4:35 am - Houston, TX
Theres nothing wrong with making a list on what you want. The questions is are you willing to do the same things that you are looking for in your mate. That's when it's time to take a long look in the mirror and analyze yourself.
If you want to be treated a certain way are you will to return the favor? JMO.
on 11/19/09 4:41 am
Oh - I feel you.  It's just when you have your list, then somebody gets persnikety about what you put on YOUR list, or that you even HAVE a list that irks me....... who da heyl is anyone to tell anybody what should be on THEIR list???? 

Like my damn married friend who INSISTS that I am not seeing opportunities to FIND my husband.....

First of all:
I am not LOOKING for a husband - when you look for something, you find bullshiot
It may not BE a husband..... never know - could be a wifey
If you don't live with me, how exactly do you KNOW what I need/like?
and for as much CRAP as I listen to that goes on with her - I'm really glad NOT to be married......

As for returning the favor.... ummm - not everything should be reciprocated..... if you're wondering, yes, I'm being freaky/nasty and no, I'm not going to tell you exactly what I'm referring to......

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/19/09 4:54 am - Mesa, AZ
It's just when you have your list, then somebody gets persnikety about what you put on YOUR list, or that you even HAVE a list that irks me....... who da heyl is anyone to tell anybody what should be on THEIR list???? 

Can everyone stand and lift your hands for the blessing now!!   MM, that was beautiful! OMG!!!! can I get an AMEN!!!!  I applaud people for setting some standards.  How you do that is up to you.  I say get cho **** straight first.   Be able to give what you ask for (I'm guilty of this one, I admit).  Be able to be what you are looking for.  Why it was necessary to flame someone else's requirement/needs is lost to me.   Unless you applying for the damn job, why do you care what the requirements are??!!! 

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

on 11/19/09 5:02 am

I had a dude reply to my online dating profile saying "We are a good match - I've got the traits you mentioned and I like thick White women"

  I replied back that I AIN'T white!!!!!!  total Black-a-nese here cuz!!!!

He ain't send nuffin else........ good thing we both had lists!!!  Woulda been a waste of time to talk, show up and THEN find out!!!!!! 

I don't just have issues, I have subscriptions!  I'm saving on the newsstand price.......

Check out my dating mis - adventures at: http://1macdatinggame.blogspot.com/

on 11/19/09 5:09 am - Mesa, AZ

...  till I....   WTH???!!   See, stupid just ain't for breakfast anymo! 

Love is all there is, ever was or ever will be...  

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